Members Are The Profession

This page advocates for member governance of APEGBC, as the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Act intended.

Keith no longer supports the OurEngineeringGeoscienceProfessionBC grass roots reform group.

Keith is aware of the ReformSlateVision web site, whose owner has hidden identify of sponsors, and of its visible proponent. It lists problems with governance of APEGBC. Keith voted for its candidates.

Three reform-minded candidates were elected, two others made strong showings against better known candidates.

Keith's advice on evaluating candidates for Council of APEGBC, and his evaluation of 2016 candidates. That's also advice for nominating candidates for this fall's election and helping them get elected. AEGBC is already seeking nominations for its agenda. Ask me for help with nominating, even if there is a concerted effort again by responsible Members I will be wary of identifying it publicly.

Keith's letters to Council of APEGBC on governance and CPD, and some related reference material.



APEGBC is already promoting the next conference and AGM, complete with a discount for early registration. Participation in the AGM is customarily n/c for Members.
The process for making motions was on pages for the 2016 AGM, the deadline was generous but it takes time to properly word a motion so it is clear, legal, and robust against staff nit-picking - and to get signatures if you are not attending the conference thus meeting people. I can provide some advice or put you in contact with experts. (I urge rejection of the usual motion to destroy ballots after a few months, that does not support robust election procedures and investigation of suspected anomalies.)
Ask Keith for a printable file for a Members Are The Profession button.

The conference preceding the AGM is an opportunity to lobby in person or via a booth, for those who can afford either - it's an expense-account priced affair.

Opportunities to serve on committees may arise during the year, but especially after elections, perhaps early in the new year following. They are opportunities to educate to influence council (effectiveness of committees varies, some are wasting time and money, but some are writing policy (councillors often accept their output instead of digging into the subject and thinking).

More information:
Some strong points against Council's desires are presented in or linked from the Grass-Roots Group web site, including on CPD. A link to an Ontario group is provided.
I may or may not agree with content, as am no longer active in that group, except to maintain the web site during a transition period.

Members Are The Profession

Intellectual property on this site including its theme and headlines is of Keith Sketchley, or individual authors of some supporting stand-alone documents. IP of the web sites linked to is as defined by them. Links to APEGBC web pages on specific items are not endorsement of its position, they are provided only for information.

Version 2017.05.30

Please email the webmaster if any links don't work or have become inappropriate - the Internet changes.

Email addresses are given with AT replacing the @ symbol, to reduce spam.

Webmaster email:
Paper mail c/o 1 Adams Pl, #16, Victoria BC V9B 6P6